Migration Notes
Update to version 9.4.0
Toolbox Package
AdapterFactory The creation for the adapters have always be a complex thing as there are many layers that have to be initialized one by one. The new introduced Arendi.Bluetooth.Toolbox package provides an AdapterFactory with methods to create the adapter with one call. All create functions have optional options that can be provided to cusomize the behavior of the adapter. The examples have to be modified to use the AdapterFactory to show a simple initialisation.
KeyManager To simplify the unlock of the libaries if you own a license key that includes multiple adapters a new method has been added that unlocks all libraries at once:
- Arendi.Bluetooth.Toolbox.KeyManager.Unlock
HID library changed
With this release we replaced the previously used HID library HidSharp with the Hid.Net library. The reason for this change is that the HidSharp project is abandoned quite a long time. Even proposed bugfixes have not been integrated. The tests with the newly used Hid.Net library have all passed and also the performance looked equal to the HidSharp library.
Update to version 9.1.0
In the API there have been made some changes to get a more consistent naming scheme.
- RemoteParameterUpdateRequestNegativeReply changes to RemoteParameterUpdateRequestReject
- RemoteParameterUpdateRequestReply changes to RemoteParameterUpdateRequestAccept
Update to version 9.0.0
License Check
With the update to the version 9.0.0 of the Bluetooth.Net libraries a license is required for continuous use of the Hci and/or Connectivity libraries. Without a valid key the libraries runs for two minutes in evaluation mode.
Note: Owner of a valid license for the Connectivity/Hci variant of the BleLibrary may use the same license key to unlock these libraries.
Note: Using the BLT2450 Tester is still possible without a valid license as it has a hardware bundled license.
To unlock call the corresponding functions with a valid key:
- Arendi.Bluetooth.Hci.KeyManager.Unlock
- Arendi.Bluetooth.Connectivity.S132v5.KeyManager.Unlock
- Arendi.Bluetooth.Connectivity.S132v7.KeyManager.Unlock
- Arendi.Bluetooth.Connectivity.S140v7.KeyManager.Unlock
To obtain a license contact the sales department of Arendi AG (www.arendi.ch).
.NET Standard 2.0 Support
With this release we start to provide the libraries also as .NET Standard 2.0 build. If you are using the NuGet packages you shouldn't need to be aware of what version you need. It will automatically take the right one for you.
Update Hci to version 3.0.0 (Hci Libraries)
Transport Packages
With the update to version 3.0.0 the library was split up into the core component and the transport components for HCI over USB and HCI over UART. You may need to add a reference for the new Arendi.Bluetooth.Hci.Usb or Arendi.Bluetooth.Hci.Uart libraries.
Update to version 8.0.0 (Connectivity Libraries)
Changed References
With the update to version 8.0.0 the referenced library Arendi.DotNETLibrary was updated to version 5.x. As the Arendi.DotNETLibrary 4.x is not compatible with the Arendi.DotNETLibrary 5.x some references need to be updated in libraries and applications using the connectivity library.
Current Reference | New Reference |
Arendi.DotNETLibrary 4.x | Arendi.DotNETLibrary 5.x |
Arendi.DotNETLibrary.Windows 4.x | Arendi.DotNETLibrary.Log.log4net 5.x *Arendi.DotNETLibrary.Serial.Comport 5.x *Arendi.DotNETLibrary.Serial.HidSharp 5.x *Arendi.DotNETLibrary.Console 5.x *only if required |
Arendi.DotNETLibrary.Android 4.x | Arendi.DotNETLibrary.Log.Android 5.x |
Arendi.DotNETLibrary.iOS 4.x | Arendi.DotNETLibrary.Log.iOS 5.x |