Release Notes
Version 9.3.0 (23.07.2021)
- [ABNET-41] - Fast Disconnect after a Connect may cause null pointer exception
- [ABNET-40] - Use full qualified names for logger instances
- [ABNET-43] - Fix potential exception caused by logging format in HostController
Version 9.2.0 (12.07.2021)
Version 9.2.0-rc1 (28.06.2021)
- [ABNET-39] - License extraction not working as expected
- [ABNET-36] - Provide UART HCI transport constructor with own connection
- [ABNET-37] - Add code sign signatures to the libraries
- [ABNET-38] - Extend adapter scan API to allow duplicate filtering
Version 9.1.0 (02.06.2021)
- [ABNET-35] - Fix missing TargetFramework Attribute in libraries
Version 9.1.0-beta2 (20.05.2021)
- [ABNET-33] - Loosing events during connection acknowledge
- [ABNET-34] - Optimize FifoExecution used on Connectivity classes
Version 9.1.0-beta (19.05.2021)
- [ABNET-33] - Loosing events during connection acknowledge
- [ABNET-28] - Option to capture the HCI communication into a BtSnoop file
- [ABNET-29] - Support devices with Nordic Connect SDK based implementaiton
- [ABNET-26] - RemoteParameterUpdateRequestNegativeReply changes to RemoteParameterUpdateRequestReject
- [ABNET-27] - RemoteParameterUpdateRequestReply changes to RemoteParameterUpdateRequestAccept
Version 9.0.3 (15.03.2021)
- [ABNET-23] - Encrypt with peer without keys doesn't fail
- [ABNET-24] - Add test for encryption without valid keys on peer device
- [ABNET-25] - Differ between ConnectionClosedException and ConnectionLostException
Version 9.0.2 (08.03.2021)
- [ABNET-20] - Out of resources on GATTC transmit not handled
- [ABNET-21] - Out of resources on GATTS notification/indication not handled
- [ABNET-22] - Characteristic with WriteWithoutResponse only may not be written
- [ABNET-19] - Examples for Peripheral/Central in Documentation
Version 9.0.1 (08.03.2021)
- [ABNET-17] - Read/Write of GATTS characteristic with not set property succeeds
- [ABNET-18] - Connectivity adapter NuGet packages reference invalid named packages
Version 9.0.0 (04.03.2021)
- [ABNET-14] - Documentation for Connectivity Adapter is missing
- [ABNET-16] - Unit tests for Connectivity and HCI adapter
- [ABNET-15] - Improved advertising implementation for HCI and Connectivity
Version 9.0.0-beta5 (25.02.2021)
- [ABNET-11] - Invalid directed peer data from S132v5 dongle causes exception
- [ABNET-13] - Connection parameter negotiation when peer doesn't support the LL operation
- [ABNET-12] - Connectivity adapter for S132v5, S132v7 and S140v7
Version 9.0.0-beta4 (15.02.2021)
- [ABNET-7] - Unit-Tests for Hci Adapter
- [ABNET-8] - Various security handling bugfixes
- [ABNET-9] - Various GATT handling bugfixes
New Feature
- [ABNET-10] - License check for Connectivity and Hci libraries
Version 9.0.0-beta3 (19.01.2021)
- [ABNET-6] - Connection events not decoupled
Version 9.0.0-beta2 (19.01.2021)
- [ABNET-4] - Integrate Connectivity library from the corresponding project
- [ABNET-5] - Provide all libraries as multiplatform (.NET Framework and .NET Standard) NuGet packages
Version 9.0.0-beta (06.01.2021)