Release Notes
Version 15.1.0 (06.04.2024)
ABL-450 Improve advertising data parser in cases with invalid data
ABL-451 Update Arendi.Bluetooth libraries to 14.1.0
New Feature
ABL-449 Provide advertising SID in PeripheralDiscovered event
Version 15.0.0 (05.02.2024)
New Feature
ABL-448 Information about local supported features in ICentral interface
Version 15.0.0-beta1 (31.01.2024)
ABL-447 Missing service data advertising elements in iOS
ABL-440 Update advertising data types
ABL-446 Update Arendi.Bluetooth libraries to 14.x
New Feature
ABL-441 Support scan for extended advertisings for HCI dongles
ABL-443 Support scan for extended advertisings for Nordic Connectivity dongles
ABL-444 Support scan for extended advertisings for Android
Version 14.0.0 (26.11.2023)
ABL-433 Update Arendi.DotNETLibrary to 7.0.0
ABL-434 Update Arendi.Bluetooth libraries to 13.0.0
ABL-435 Native support for .NET 8
ABL-436 Update Babel to version 10.4.0
ABL-437 Remove support for net6.0-ios and net6.0-android (.NET6 MAUI)
ABL-438 Drop support for NET Standard 1.0 and replace it with .NET Standard 2.0
ABL-439 Drop support for NET Framework 4.5 and replace it with .NET Framework 4.7.2
Version 13.3.0 (05.11.2023)
ABL-431 Update Arendi.DotNETLibrary to 6.4.0
ABL-432 Update Arendi.Bluetooth libraries to 12.2.0
Version 13.3.0-rc3 (04.11.2023)
ABL-430 Update Arendi.Bluetooth libraries to 12.2.0-rc2
Version 13.3.0-rc2 (03.11.2023)
ABL-427 Update Arendi.DotNETLibrary to 6.4.0-rc1
ABL-428 Update Arendi.Bluetooth libraries to 12.2.0-rc1
New Feature
ABL-429 Native support for .NET 7
Version 13.3.0-rc1 (26.10.2023)
ABL-426 Operation should fail on iOS with reason BluetoothDisabled when they are aborted by a disabled Bluetooth
ABL-425 Bluetooth off on an Android .NET6 application doesn't disconnect active connections
Version 13.2.1 (25.09.2023)
ABL-422 Indications not visualized in BleExplorer
ABL-424 Basic Nordic DFU not working because of missing adaptions to library changes
Version 13.2.0 (01.07.2023)
ABL-421 Update Arendi.Bluetooth libraries to 12.1.0
Version 13.2.0-rc2 (17.06.2023)
- [ABL-420] - Public API that throws exception should not log this as error or warning
Version 13.2.0-rc1 (14.06.2023)
- [ABL-419] - Existing bonding without peer ID key may cause failed creation of peripherals
- [ABL-420] - Public API that throws exception should not log this as error or warning
Version 13.1.0 (17.05.2023)
Version 13.1.0-rc1 (09.05.2023)
- [ABL-415] - Memory leak when using write without response on iOS
- [ABL-414] - Check if changes in time could cause issues
- [ABL-416] - Possible ArgumentOutOfRangeException when Android returns unexpected GattStatus
- [ABL-417] - Update Arendi.DotNETLibrary to 6.3.1
- [ABL-418] - Update Arendi.Bluetooth libraries to 12.0.2
Version 13.0.0 (16.03.2023)
- [ABL-413] - Update Arendi.Bluetooth libraries to 12.0.0
- [ABL-412] - Peripherals should derive there log level from central on creation
Version 13.0.0-rc2 (11.03.2023)
New Feature
- [ABL-411] - Option to select the used scan mode for HCI and Connectivity
Version 13.0.0-rc1 (09.03.2023)
New Feature
- [ABL-409] - Allow partial service discovery instead of the full service discovery
- [ABL-410] - Update Arendi.Bluetooth libraries to 12.0.0-rc3
Version 12.1.1 (11.02.2023)
- [ABL-406] - API Documentation missing
- [ABL-407] - Possible deadlock in BasicPeripheral on disconnect
- [ABL-408] - Activate method of classes derived from EnhancedPeripheral is called twice
Version 12.1.0 (08.11.2022)
Version 12.1.0-rc1 (08.11.2022)
- [ABL-401] - Update Newtonsoft.JSON library to version 13.0.1
- [ABL-402] - Update Babel Obfuscator to version 9.9.3
- [ABL-404] - Update Arendi.DotNETLibrary to 6.2.0
- [ABL-405] - Update Arendi.Bluetooth libraries to 11.2.0
Version 12.0.2 (23.10.2022)
- [ABL-398] - Dispose of Peripherals may create an unwanted TaskController instance
- [ABL-399] - Possible threading exception on access of PendingTaskList in parallel task controller
- [ABL-400] - Dispose of Peripheral causes main task controller to be disposed
Version 12.0.1 (18.10.2022)
- [ABL-395] - Scan Settings not used on startup
- [ABL-396] - Possible multithread thread exception when using Peripherals from PeripheralManager
- [ABL-397] - Improve dispose of central object on BlueGiga, Nordic and Hci adapter
Version 12.0.0 (22.09.2022)
- [ABL-390] - Name and Adverisement RSSI properties from ManagedPeripheral missing in interface
- [ABL-393] - Bonds not stored correctlly
- [ABL-394] - Make Arendi.BleLibrary.Hci.InterfaceHci class obsolete as it is only a wrapper for Arendi.Bluetooth.Hci.Usb.InterfaceUsb
- [ABL-391] - A failed signed Nordic DFU should close connection to the device in bootloader
- [ABL-392] - Use sealed classes when possible to improve performance
Version 12.0.0-beta5 (16.08.2022)
- [ABL-389] - Reduce obfuscation to work with net6.0-ios
Version 12.0.0-beta4 (15.08.2022)
Internal Release
Version 12.0.0-beta3 (08.08.2022)
- [ABL-386] - .net6.0-android support not working cause of obfuscation
- [ABL-387] - Update babel obfuscation to version 9.9.1
Version 12.0.0-beta2 (13.07.2022)
- [ABL-384] - Possible NullPointerException on name change
- [ABL-385] - .NET6 support for BleExplorer
Version 12.0.0-beta1 (01.07.2022)
New Feature
- [ABL-373] - Change ICentral interface for advertising and peripheral creation
- [ABL-377] - Move OnSemi Adapter to Arendi namespace and add license checks
- [ABL-383] - Support .NET6
- [ABL-379] - Change NuGet dependency relation to strict between BleLibrary packages
Version 11.8.2 (11.02.2023)
- [ABL-407] - Possible deadlock in BasicPeripheral on disconnect
- [ABL-408] - Activate method of classes derived from EnhancedPeripheral is called twice
Version 11.8.1 (23.10.2022)
- [ABL-396] - Possible multithread thread exception when using Peripherals from PeripheralManager
- [ABL-398] - Dispose of Peripherals may create an unwanted TaskController instance
- [ABL-399] - Possible threading exception on access of PendingTaskList in parallel task controller
- [ABL-400] - Dispose of Peripheral causes main task controller to be disposed
Version 11.8.0 (22.09.2022)
- [ABL-393] - Bonds not stored correctlly
- [ABL-394] - Make Arendi.BleLibrary.Hci.InterfaceHci class obsolete as it is only a wrapper for Arendi.Bluetooth.Hci.Usb.InterfaceUsb
Version 11.8.0-rc1 (07.09.2022)
- [ABL-390] - Name and Adverisement RSSI properties from ManagedPeripheral missing in interface
- [ABL-391] - A failed signed Nordic DFU should close connection to the device in bootloader
Version 11.7.0 (30.06.2022)
- [ABL-381] - Update Arendi.DotNETLibrary to 6.0.0
- [ABL-382] - Update Bluetooth.NET libraries to 11.0.0
Version 11.6.1 (23.06.2022)
- [ABL-378] - Peripheral properties updated with delay when a direct changes was made
- [ABL-380] - Reduced log level when an operation is not supported by a platform from Warn to Info
Version 11.6.0 (15.06.2022)
Version 11.6.0-rc2 (13.06.2022)
- [ABL-375] - Update Arendi.DotNETLibrary to version 5.10.0
- [ABL-370] - Reduce GC load by calling GC.SuppressFinalize if object is fully disposed
- [ABL-374] - Tasks should use the log instance of the related central or peripheral
- [ABL-376] - General improve dispose/finalize of objects
Version 11.6.0-rc1 (09.06.2022)
- [ABL-371] - Memory leak - Scanned objects remain in memory
- [ABL-372] - Task controller log messages are emitted with invalid logger
Version 11.5.1 (05.06.2022)
- [ABL-369] - Possible NullReferenceException when initializing HCI/Nordic central
Version 11.5.0 (04.06.2022)
New Feature
- [ABL-367] - Configuration option to select if scans should be active (default) or passive
- [ABL-368] - Configuration option to select if scans should filter out duplicates
- [ABL-366] - Update Bluetooth.NET libraries to 10.7.0
- [ABL-363] - Disable log entry if a detected peripheral is ignored in PeripheralManager
- [ABL-364] - ObjectDisposedException if a Peripheral object is used after Dispose
- [ABL-365] - Replace UUID filter handling in BleLibrary and use filtering of the used adapter
Version 11.4.1 (04.04.2022)
- [ABL-360] - Write of little endian data in hex format (e.g. 0x11223344) not working in BleExplorer
- [ABL-361] - Unexpected timeout exception on DataLengthUpdate
- [ABL-362] - Disconnect causes disconnect of all other connected peripherals
Version 11.4.0 (25.03.2022)
- [ABL-358] - Advertising reports without advertising data cause exception
- [ABL-357] - Invalid advertising data shall not generate log messages of level INFO and higher
- [ABL-359] - Setting for 128bit UUIDs to be registered in softdevice in BleExplorer
Version 11.3.0 (29.01.2022)
- [ABL-353] - Performance Improvement
- [ABL-354] - Update DotNETLibrary to 5.9.0
- [ABL-355] - Update Bluetooth.NET libraries to 10.4.0
- [ABL-356] - Configuration option for event handling monitoring and increase of default to 250ms
Version 11.2.1 (09.01.2022)
- [ABL-352] - License not accepted in .NET6 application
Version 11.2.0 (25.12.2021)
- [ABL-350] - HCI Transport error doesn't trigger a FatalError event
- [ABL-348] - Reduce CPU load caused by task system
- [ABL-351] - Update Bluetooth.NET libraries to 10.3.0
- [ABL-346] - Add KeyManager method to Unlock with a string.
- [ABL-347] - Improve documentation
- [ABL-349] - Improve Android task implementation
Version 11.1.0 (10.12.2021)
- [ABL-333] - iOS "Write Command" fails unexpectedly with timeout error
- [ABL-341] - WriteWithoutResponse on iOS may trigger timeout
- [ABL-342] - Improve iOS task implementation
- [ABL-343] - Update obfuscation library to version
- [ABL-344] - Update DotNETLibrary to 5.7.0
- [ABL-345] - Update Bluetooth.NET to 10.2.0
- [ABL-330] - Support more disconnect reasons
Version 11.0.0 (03.12.2021)
- [ABL-286] - WriteWithoutResponse on iOS may overwrite buffer
- [ABL-317] - Cancellation of Establish() not working properly
- [ABL-337] - Remove obsolete properties from IEnhancedPeripheral
- [ABL-338] - Update Bluetooth.Net libraries to version 10.1.0
- [ABL-340] - Remove obsolete namespace "Arendi.BleLibrary.Extention" from core library
- [ABL-329] - All advertisement dependent properties should be updated before any event is raised
- [ABL-332] - Create EnhancedPeripheralTask only if required
- [ABL-335] - Reduce thread load on Android by only one decoupling class shared for all peripherals
- [ABL-336] - Create a BasicPeripheral as a simplified variant of EnhancedPeripheral
- [ABL-339] - Allow definition of establish order on BasicPeripheral/EnhancedPeripheral
Version 10.1.0 (06.09.2021)
Version 10.1.0-rc1 (25.08.2021)
- [ABL-328] - Some configuration values are not correctly used
- [ABL-326] - BondManager should be independent from Adapter DeviceDatabase
- [ABL-327] - Allow central creation with HostAdapter and a bonding folder
Version 10.0.0 (20.08.2021)
Improvement- [ABL-323] - Rework Signed DFU
Version 9.2.1 (16.07.2021)
- [ABL-321] - Scanner logic causes crash on Android 5.0 to Android 7.1
Version 9.2.0 (12.07.2021)
- [ABL-320] - Name update in extension library not called
- [ABL-319] - TX data length set to 27 if peer device triggered data length extension with OnSemi dongle
Version 9.2.0-rc1 (28.06.2021)
- [ABL-314] - Logger names of Nordic Adapters have Hci names
- [ABL-315] - Codesign Libraries and Application
Version 9.1.0 (02.06.2021)
- [ABL-311] - Update Arendi.DotNETLibrary to version 5.3.0
- [ABL-312] - Update Bluetooth.Net libraries to version 9.1.0
Version 9.1.0-rc3 (01.06.2021)
- [ABL-309] - Change obfuscation to prevent issues on iOS
Version 9.1.0-rc2 (28.05.2021)
- [ABL-309] - Change obfuscation to prevent issues on iOS
Version 9.1.0-rc1 (20.05.2021)
- [ABL-310] - Update obfuscator to version 9.7.4
- [ABL-306] - Dokumentation Fixes
Version 9.0.0 (09.04.2021)
- [ABL-305] - Use data from new scan API in Android
Version 9.0.0-beta2 (10.03.2021)
- [ABL-302] - WriteType 'Request' not working if Write and Write without Response is supported
- [ABL-303] - Update Nordic adapter to implementation of Bluetooth.Net library
- [ABL-304] - Update Bluetooth.Net libraries to version 9.0.2
Version 9.0.0-beta (22.01.2021)
New Feature
- [ABL-299] - Provide libraries as .NET Standard 2.0 package for usage with .NET 5
- [ABL-300] - Use HCI libraries from the Bluetooth.NET release 9.0.0
- [ABL-298] - Improve new DocFX documentation
- [ABL-301] - Re-Add legacy "Extention" namespace to the BleLibrary with classes marked as deprecated
Version 8.0.0 (03.12.2020)
- [ABL-294] - Move Android specific method to connection priority change to IPeripheralAndroid
- [ABL-295] - Hide classes of the various objects in the public interface to simplify interface
- [ABL-296] - Update documentation from doxygen to a common DocFx for all assemblies
- [ABL-297] - Move "Arendi.BleLibrary.Extention" namespace to dedicated assembly and change name to "Arendi.BleLibrary.Extension"
Version 7.0.0 (26.10.2020)
- [ABL-292] - Invalid dependencies to Arendi.DotNETLibrary in NuGet packages
- [ABL-293] - Adapt to changed architecture of the DotNETLibrary version 5.x
Version 6.2.0 (19.10.2020)
- [ABL-285] - Crash on handle advertisement on iOS with 32bit UUID
- [ABL-288] - Nordic Central object may trigger exceptions after Dispose
- [ABL-289] - Unable to connect devices detected as unknown type
- [ABL-290] - Exceptions in Initialize and Update method should be returned as InnerException
- [ABL-291] - Change package references to NuGet server
- [ABL-287] - Add enhanced support for 32Bit UUID
Version 6.1.0 (01.09.2020)
New Feature
- [ABL-230] - Provide GATT error code if a GATT operation fails
- [ABL-283] - Support configuration options for Nordic DFU
- [ABL-284] - Split Rssi information into AdvertisementRssi and ConnectionRssi in Extension layer
Version 6.0.0 (04.08.2020)
- [ABL-281] - WriteCommand failes with HCI adapter
- [ABL-276] - Replace legacy Encrypt with dedicated Authenticate and Encrypt method
- [ABL-280] - Remove obsolete SecurityManager
- [ABL-277] - Authentication settings should be saved as part of the BleExplorer configuration
- [ABL-279] - Use host CPU for address resolving to safe controller CPU time and communication bandwith
- [ABL-282] - Allow scan filtering in BleExplorer based on RSSI and Company Identifier
Version 5.7.0 (20.07.2020)
New Feature
- [ABL-234] - Queued write with Nordic adapter
- [ABL-236] - Queued write with BlueGiga adapter
- [ABL-275] - Queued write with HCI adapter
Version 5.6.0 (15.07.2020)
- [ABL-248] - Scanning on Google Pixel Devices
- [ABL-272] - Scan filter not reset after a scan with filter
- [ABL-273] - Unable to erase bond that has just been created
- [ABL-274] - Workaround for excessive scan start limitation on Android 7.x and higher
- [ABL-245] - Prevent "App is scanning too frequently"
- [ABL-270] - Basic support of BLT2450 in BLE Explorer
- [ABL-271] - Prevent android from changing scan mode to opportunistic after 30min
Version 5.5.0 (14.05.2020)
New Feature
- [ABL-267] - Configuration for scan parameter (search and connect)
- [ABL-268] - Configuration for connection parameter
- [ABL-269] - Allow accept/reject of a connection parameter request
Version 5.4.1 (30.03.2020)
Version 5.4.0 (25.02.2020)
- [ABL-258] - Android 5 notification enable uses wrong write type
- [ABL-263] - Handle invalid manufacturer specific data length on iOS
New Feature
- [ABL-260] - Experimental support for Bluetooth HCI dongles
- [ABL-261] - Allow characteristic creation based on attribute handles
- [ABL-262] - Use autoconnect true when connect timeout > 30s on Android
- [ABL-255] - Missing documentation
- [ABL-259] - Improve Task Cancellation
- [ABL-264] - Update assigned numbers
Version 5.3.0 (12.09.2019)
- [ABL-246] - Update connectivity library to version 7.0.0
- [ABL-247] - Support for connectivity devices with softdevice 7.x
- [ABL-251] - Exception in failed licence check?
- [ABL-253] - BondManager not working without storage folder
- [ABL-254] - Add method to BondManager to search for a bond by address
Version 5.2.1 (18.05.2019)
- [ABL-244] - DFU not working with RebootToBootloader method
Version 5.2.0 (03.05.2019)
- [ABL-238] - Empty binary data or UTF8 values can't be written
- [ABL-240] - Fix reuse of BluetoothGattCharacteristic for read/write/notify
New Feature
- [ABL-232] - Long read with Nordic adapter
- [ABL-235] - Long read with BlueGiga adapter
- [ABL-239] - Extend/Update AssignedNumbers to represent service and characteristic names
- [ABL-203] - Retry on connection failure
- [ABL-242] - Update Arendi.DotNETLibrary to version 4.2.4
- [ABL-243] - Update Arendi Connectivity Library to version 6.9.0
- [ABL-241] - Disable automatic RSSI update when connected per default
Version 5.1.4 (05.04.2019)
New Feature
- [ABL-231] - Invalid ATT MTU value if peer sends higher value than client
- [ABL-233] - Updated Arendi.DotNETLibrary to version 4.2.3
Version 5.1.3 (11.03.2019)
New Feature
- [ABL-228] - Connection priority support
- [ABL-229] - Improve parallel task handling in OnSemi adapter
Version 5.1.2 (24.02.2019)
New Feature
- [ABL-227] - Missing methods in DFU library
Version 5.1.1 (23.02.2019)
- [ABL-226] - Excessive task creation while scanning
Version 5.1.0 (04.02.2019)
New Feature
- [ABL-224] - Update Arendi.DotNETLibrary to 4.1.2
- [ABL-225] - Update Arendi.Connectivity Library to 6.8.4
Version 5.0.3 (14.01.2019)
- [ABL-219] - No response in some cases from BLED112 dongle
- [ABL-221] - Update connectivity library for Nordic to 6.80
- [ABL-220] - Modify FifoExecution to use less tasks by the use of a single task with events
Version 5.0.2 (18.12.2018)
- [ABL-210] - Update Bootloader+Softdevice+App not working
- [ABL-215] - License key for BleExplorer is expired -> no function after 2min
- [ABL-216] - Refactor EnhancedPeripheral and improve API names
- [ABL-217] - Improve logging output for various platforms
- [ABL-218] - Support 2MBit Phy on Android
Version 5.0.1 (08.12.2018)
- [ABL-202] - BleLibrary.Nordic does not throw an exception when com port open fails
- [ABL-211] - Failed operation don't throw exception in some cases
- [ABL-212] - Update to Connectivity Libraries 6.6.2 / Arendi.DotNETLibrary 4.0.1
- [ABL-213] - Change PCL libraries to .net standard 1.0 libraries
- [ABL-214] - Add connection acknowledge function including retries for Nordic adapter
Version 5.0.0 (04.12.2018)
- [ABL-207] - Indications not handled correctly with OnSemi dongle
New Feature
- [ABL-206] - Remove support for event based asynchronous programming (EAP)